Lunes, Marso 30, 2015

Merging Business and Family Travel

Nowadays, it is possible and understandable that you also find fun and leisure during a business travel.  Most companies are now allowing employees to bring their families to a business trip.  It is not always easy and attainable, but since working places are now more flexible, they can also be realized. Below are some helpful tips to lessen the stress when combining business and family travel.

Take someone to look after your baby/kid.  Make sure that it is not you who take charge the total responsibility for your little ones.  Bring your husband/wife, partner, baby sitter or anyone who will look after your baby.  You are not supposed to bring your family when doing business with clients. It will not leave a good impression.

Carry some entertainment.  You, yourself can be the best entertainment for your baby; however, that may not work at all times.  You can bring your kid's favorite toy.  You can also bring travel games, so that the baby does not get bored during delays.

Orient about possibilities. Set the expectations about the possibilities of unexpected changes. Make your family aware that at any time, there may be a  change of plan and schedule.  It is important that they also have other resorts if in case you won't make it to avoid disappointments.

Anticipate and  be ready.  How about if your baby gets sick on the day of your presentation or during a hectic day?  Make sure to bring a first aid kit and common medicines for treating kids' illness.  Make sure you have a list of doctor's phone number and you also know the location of the nearest clinic, pharmacy or hospital.

Prioritize business.  This does not mean taking your family for granted; however, always remember the main reason for the trip.  Make sure that you are able to accomplish your tasks effectively and efficiently.

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